Winchester 25-06 Remington Brass

Winchester 25-06 Remington Brass
Currently Unavailable
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Shellcases for handguns and rifles are engineered to precise tolerances to ensure smooth-feeding and positive chambering. Winchester carries unprimed rifle shellcases and both primed and unprimed handgun shellcases.
Winchester 25-06 Reloading Brass is manufactured to extremely tight tolerances to ensure smooth feeding and positive chambering. Consistent case-to-case weight and capacity delivers outstanding accuracy. Winchester's high quality, durable brass can be reloaded several times. New, unprimed brass. This is not loaded ammunition.
- Due to the manufacturing process and/or shipping, case mouths may not be perfectly round. To ensure a round case mouth, cases must be sized (or have the expander ball of the sizing die run through case neck) and deburred/Chamfered prior to loading.
Note: - A light "staining" may be found on the case neck of new brass. This is due to annealing. Annealing is a process, performed by the manufacturer, which involves rapid heating to a specified temperature followed by rapid cooling. This process imparts cases with the proper hardness to securely hold a bullet as well as gives flexibility to expand and contract upon firing and repeated forming. The "staining" is a residue from this process. This stain may be removed by tumbling before loading. Brass should be full-length sized, trimmed and chamfered before loading.
Cartridge | 25-06 Remington |
Quantity | 50 Rounds |