Ultimate Stock Tank Deicer

Ultimate Stock Tank Deicer
Currently Unavailable
EID 8475
BrandK&H Pet Products
K&H has 'reinvented the wheel' when it comes to keeping ice free water available in winter stock tanks. All K&H Ultimate Stock Tank Deicers are safe in all stock tanks, and they will not damage liners or plastic tanks. there are no separate 'add-on' pieces to buy, each deicer includes a full cage, floater, and cord clip. K&H Ultimate Stock Tank Deicers can be transformed from floating to submersible in seconds by simply unscrewing the float ring from the top. Each Ultimate Stock Tank Deicer includes the unique K&H cord clip which keeps the power cord away from animals reach. K&H Ultimate Stock Tank Deicers are MET Listed for safety & include a 2-year manufacturer's warranty