The Chicken Health Handbook, 2nd Edition

The Chicken Health Handbook, 2nd Edition
Currently Unavailable
EID 622013
BrandStorey Publishing
Healthy chickens are happy chickens. This one-of-a-kind reference book covers the health problems that plague chickens of all breeds and ages. Practical charts identify common symptoms and causes of infection, while an alphabetic listing of diseases provides advice on treatment. You’ll find helpful descriptions of troublesome ailments of all types, from poor egg production to crooked toe syndrome. Practical remedies and gentle preventative care measures will help your beloved flock stay happy, healthy, and safe.
- Price: $24.95
- Size: 7 x 9.25
- Pages: 496
- Format: Paperback
- Other formats: Ebook , Hardback
- ISBN: 9781612120133