Starbar Cyanarox Insecticidal Bait

Starbar Cyanarox Insecticidal Bait
EID 100535456
Cyanarox by Zoecon is a ready-to-use granular fly bait. It contains the active ingredient cyantraniliprole and controls house flies in and around residential, commercial, institutional and agricultural structures. This bait can be used in rotation with products that have a different mode of action such as QuikStrike Fly Bait and Golden Malrin Fly Bait. If you are looking for an efficient way to eliminate invading flies, Cyanarox is highly recommended.
- Ready-to-use granular fly and roach bait
- Controls house flies on the ground in pig farms, poultry houses, horse barns, dairy barns, and on pasture
- Controls German cockroaches, American cockroaches and Oriental cockroaches in on and around barns and animal housing facilities
- Highly attractive cockroach and fly bait
- Can be used both indoors and outdoors to kill roaches and house flies
- Use in rotation to manage fly resistance
- 4 lb
Active Ingredients:
- Cyantraniliprole (0.5%)