Shipton's Big R Eco Turf Grass Seed

ENVIRO-LAWN: Blended from a hardy, low-growing fescue, rich-green ryegrass, and nitrogen-fixing clover, this new lawn alternative eliminates the high maintenance requirements of a conventional grass lawn while maintaining an attractive, always green, low-growing landscape. Sprinkled with annual and perennial flowers for extra color, Enviro-Lawn is ideal for golf course roughs and low-maintenance areas around office parks, cemeteries and parks. Enviro-Lawn establishes quickly and provides an excellent, easy-care ground cover. It requires little or no fertilization, infrequent mowing, and minimal watering even in the dry season. Enviro-Lawn is an ideal solution for minimizing maintenance and watering costs.
Blend Components: This blend specifically incorporates Serra Hard Fescue, Vivid Perennial Ryegrass, Strawberry Clover, English Daisies, White Yarrow, Baby Blue Eyes, and White Alyssum to create a beautiful landscape.
Planting Instructions: To maintain Enviro-Lawn, a mowing height of 3 to 5 inches is recommended. Enviro-Lawn should be watered only once a month during the summer at 1.5 to 1.75 inches. If watered more frequently, the lawn will grow faster and require more frequent mowing. A light mulch such as peat moss, barkdust or sawdust is suggested to help hold the moisture at planting. The flower seeds are slower to germinate than the grass component making it important to keep the seed bed moist until all plants are established.
- Conservation Blend
- Drought Resistant
- Fine Bladed
- Cold Tolerant
- Self Repairing
- Disease Resistant