Schleich Zebra Foal

Schleich Zebra Foal
Fun Fact:
At birth, zebra foals don't have black, but brown stripes.
EID 14811
Zebra foals can run with the herd just 20 minutes after birth. In the first days, however, the mare stays very close to her foal, so that it can acquaint itself with her scent, appearance, and voice. Zebra foals don't just have a mane on their neck. Its continues along their entire back, up to their tail.
- Dimensions 2.99 x 0.87 x 2.76 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 3-8 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Equus quagga
- Global Home : Africa
- Conservation Status : Near threatened
- Primary habitat : Savanna