Schleich White-Tailed Buck

Schleich White-Tailed Buck
Fun Fact:
The antlers of an adult white-tailed buck grow by about 60 mm every day.
EID 14818
White-tailed bucks are very shy animals. When they get scared, they wave their tails back and forth. If there is indeed a predator nearby, the deer stretch their tails upwards. The white fur that gives them their name becomes clearly visible. The biggest enemies of the white-tailed deer are wolves, coyotes, pumas, bears, alligators and jaguars.
- Dimensions 4.13 x 1.77 x 4.09 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 3-8 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Odocoileus virginianus
- Global Home : Americas
- Conservation Status : Least concern
- Primary habitat : Forest, Shrubland, Bogs