Schleich Shadow Worm

Schleich Shadow Worm
Currently Unavailable
EID 70830
The shadow worm is a nasty creature. It has a long, fully mobile body. Its scaly carapace is covered all over with spiky crystals. It has fiery red eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Not exactly someone you'd want to invite to your birthday party!
Anyone venturing into the shadow world should take good care. The nasty shadow worm is aways lurking around here. With its agile, fully mobile joints, it slithers through the shadow world at lightning speed. It can even dig through the earth in no time at all. So you don’t notice anything until it suddenly shoots out of the ground in front of you. That can be scary! Hissing, it opens its mouth, filled with pointed teeth, with red eyes glowering. Let’s get out of here!