Schleich Giraffe

Schleich Giraffe
Fun Fact:
When two giraffe bulls fight, they beat their heads against the other one's neck.
EID 14749
Giraffe bulls are the largest land animals, reaching heights of up to six meters. Their necks can be two and a half meters long and they can weigh up to 250 kilograms. Nevertheless - just like us human beings - they only have seven cervical vertebrae.
Giraffe bulls are so large, they can put their head through the window of the second floor of a building and say "hello". Their tongue is up to 50 centimeters long, is desensitized to prickly leaves, and has an unusual color: it is dark blue. This color helps protect it from sunburn when giraffes use it to wrap around and pluck leaves. Even animals as large as giraffes need to sleep between meals. When there is no threat of danger, they lie down for a nap, but in the wilderness they mainly sleep standing up.
- Dimensions 5 x 1.7 x 6.7 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 3-8 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Giraffa camelopardalis
- Global Home : Africa
- Conservation Status : Least concern
- Primary habitat : Subtropical Forest, Moist Savanna, Subtropical Shrubland