Schleich Koala

Schleich Koala
Fun Fact:
When koalas are stressed, they wiggle their years and get the hiccups.
EID 14815
Koalas are quite the sleepy heads. They spend about 14 hours each day taking extensive naps. The rest of the time, they are busy eating eucalyptus leaves. They consume about a kilogram of them every day. They are very picky and will only go for 12 of the about 300 eucalyptus species.
- Dimensions 1.97 x 1.38 x 1.65 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 3-8 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Phascolarctos cinereus
- Global Home : Asia
- Conservation Status : Vulnerable
- Primary habitat : Eucalyptus forest