Schleich Holsteiner Gelding

Schleich Holsteiner Gelding
Fun Fact:
Holsteiners are branded with a crowned shield containing the letter “H”.
Holsteiners are branded with a crowned shield containing the letter “H”.
EID 13859
Holsteiners are very popular sport horses and are one of the oldest German breeds. The monks at Uetersen Monastery, located in what is now Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany, started breeding them in the 14th century. However, the first recorded mentions of Holsteiners are much older, dating back to the year 1225.
- Dimensions 5 x 1.34 x 4.37 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 5-12 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Equus ferus caballus
- Global Home : Worldwide
- Conservation Status : Least concern