Schleich Zebra

Schleich Zebra
Fun Fact:
Zebras have a protruding mane, as it conceals a supporting layer of fat under it.
EID 14810
Zebras live in the African savannah and belong to the horse family. Each zebra has a unique fur coat pattern consisting of black and white stripes. Even its mane is striped. The pattern provides camouflage, confuses predators, protects against mosquitoes, makes the heat more bearable, and helps the animals to recognize each other.
- Dimensions 4.72 x 1.26 x 3.35 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 3-8 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Equus quagga
- Global Home : Africa
- Conservation Status : Near threatened
- Primary habitat : Savanna