Schleich Cheetah

Schleich Cheetah
Fun Fact:
Cheetahs are perfectly adapted to the savannah. They only need to drink water every three to four days.
Cheetahs are perfectly adapted to the savannah. They only need to drink water every three to four days.
EID 14746
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world. With their slim bodies and powerful, long legs, they can accelerate up to 120 km/h within a few seconds.
Cheetahs are excellent hunters. First of all they approach their prey very carefully until they are within a few meters, then when the time is right, they run at lightning speed. If the fleeing prey suddenly changes direction, the Cheetah can simply turn its body mid-leap. Its flexible spine makes this possible. However, if they have no success after a few hundred meters, they have to give up. The high speed is so energy-sapping, they can only keep it up for a short distance.
- Dimensions 3.8 x 1.5 x 2.4 inch (W x D x H)
- Age Recommendation 3-8 years
Scientific facts:
- Scientific name : Acinonyx jubatus
- Global Home : Africa
- Conservation Status : Vulnerable
- Primary habitat : Dry Savanna, Moist Savanna, Temperate Grassland