Schleich Dog Kennel with Golden Retriever

Schleich Dog Kennel with Golden Retriever
EID 42722
Anyone visiting the farm has to go past the dog kennel where the golden retrievers live. The golden retriever mom and her puppy live here. Cozy! The kennel is painted red with a gray roof. Windows on the side let in plenty of light. When they don't have to keep watch, the two four-legged friends have plenty of time to chew on their bone. Wonderful!
The golden retriever comes running out from behind the pretty dog kennel, looking curious. Who's coming to visit? She keeps a close eye on who is on the farm. She taught her cute little puppy to do the same. But maybe the golden retrievers just want to persuade the guests to play a game? There is a stick just waiting to be thrown. Who wants to play?