Schleich Arctic Wolf Cub

Schleich Arctic Wolf Cub
Currently Unavailable
EID 14881
The little Arctic wolf cub looks too cute. It already has fur just as thick as the grown ups, because it needs to keep warm in the Arctic too. But instead of being snow-white, its coat is cream-colored. That means it is still well camouflaged but its mom can spot it better. Look what bright blue puppy eyes it has! Come play with me!
This little one already knows exactly what it wants! The cute Arctic wolf cub stretches its jet-black snout into the air and opens its blue eyes. It might be hungry! During the hunt, the grown-up Arctic wolves have filled their bellies. But they always make sure the little on gets a tasty morsel. Surely he doesn't want to eat it on his own? Of course not! Who could resist those sweet blue puppy-dog eyes?