Powder Mountain All Around Panel

Powder Mountain All Around Panel
- The bow gates we stock are a chain connector and not a pin lock.
- 015-20012 12′ x 64″ Panel w/chain
EID 015-20012
BrandPowder River
The Powder Mountain Panels from Powder River are a great choice for training circles, round pens, roping arenas, and more. In-line vertical stays keeps a smooth surface for humans and animals ‘riding the rails’. 18 Gauge Steel Construction delivers a great equine panel. The six horizontal rails combined with the formed upright stay makes a great panel for any medium and light duty application.
- Part # 015-20012
- 12' length
- 64" height
- Six evenly-spaced rails 8 3/8 inches apart
- 12-inch loop legs enable panels to skid easily for moving
- 1 5/8-inch diameter tubing
- 18-gauge construction
- In-line vertical stays add strength and safety