Lincoln Electric SuperArc Welding Wire

Lincoln Electric SuperArc Welding Wire
BrandLincoln Electric
Lincoln Electric SuperArc 0.030 in. L-56 MIG Welding Wire 2 lb. is copper-coated MIG wire that is great for welding on metals with a medium to high presence of mill scale. It works best on clean, oil-free and rust-free base material. It has high silicon and manganese deoxidizer levels. Shielding gases include argon and carbon dioxide blends, argon and oxygen blends, straight carbon dioxide and 3- or 4-part gas mixes.
- High levels of manganese and silicon deoxidizers tolerate medium to heavy mill scale surfaces
- Excellent toe-wetting provides optimal bead appearance
- Copper coated for long contact tip life
- Supports short-circuiting, globular, axial spray and pulsed spray transfer
- Medium to heavy mill scale base material
- Sheetmetal to 380-485 MPa (55-70 ksi) yield strength material
- Automotive repair
- Robotic or hard automation
- Structural steel
- Pressure vessels
- All Welding Positions
- For Mixed Shielding Gas and 100% CO2