Lee Precision Perfect Powder Measure

Lee Precision Perfect Powder Measure
EID 90058
BrandLee Precision, INC.
Best for reloading rifle cases.
Throws charges from 2 to over 70 grains. Eliminates Cut Powder and Jerky Action. A soft elastomer wiper strikes off the metering chamber rather than cut the powder. You'll be surprised at how smoothly the rotor operates. More importantly, you will enjoy the most uniform of charges.
Throws charges from 2 to over 70 grains. Eliminates Cut Powder and Jerky Action. A soft elastomer wiper strikes off the metering chamber rather than cut the powder. You'll be surprised at how smoothly the rotor operates. More importantly, you will enjoy the most uniform of charges.
Meaningful Calibration
A micrometer adjuster that reads directly in cubic centimeters. Just multiply the charge in grains by the cc for one grain and you have the setting. So very much better than a meaningless setting as most supply.
The metering chamber is the proper size for large rifle charges and the strike off opening small enough to work well with pistol size charges. The Lee Perfect Powder Measure works fine for charges from two grains to over 70 grains.
A micrometer adjuster that reads directly in cubic centimeters. Just multiply the charge in grains by the cc for one grain and you have the setting. So very much better than a meaningless setting as most supply.
The metering chamber is the proper size for large rifle charges and the strike off opening small enough to work well with pistol size charges. The Lee Perfect Powder Measure works fine for charges from two grains to over 70 grains.
WARNING: This product may contain steel alloyed with trace amounts of lead and other elements which are known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm and cancer.