Kershaw Launch 4 Auto Folding Knife

Kershaw Launch 4 Auto Folding Knife
For those of you who require a smaller blade the Launch 4 sports a blade of just 1.9 inches, nice and legal. And pretty handy, too.
The blade is high-performance CPM-154 steel. This powdered metallurgy steel has more uniform distribution of carbides—so it takes and holds an excellent edge, provides good corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and toughness. The blade is DLC coated for an additional measure of blade protection and non-reflective good looks. Then to lighten the Launch 4's weight, we made the handle and integrated backspacer of durable aluminum, anodized in black.
The Launch 4 opens with a push button, recessed so that it is level with the flat of the handle. This is a safety feature and makes it harder for the knives to accidentally deploy. For left-handed use, press the blade-release/lock button with your index finger instead of your thumb. The Launch 4 has a single-position pocket clip and carries tip-up.
- Push-Button Lock - Found on the Kershaw Folding Saw, It locks the blade open during use, then releases with the push of a button.
- Made In The USA - When you see this on one of our knives, it means the knife was made in the Tualatin, Oregon manufacturing facility by skilled Kershaw knifemakers.
- Single Position - The pocket clip is in a fixed position on the knife handle; usually it is positioned for tip-down, right-handed carry, though this may vary.