Hornady 300 Blackout 190gr Sub-X Subsonic

Hornady 300 Blackout 190gr Sub-X Subsonic
Due to limited quantities nationwide, current stock instore may not match online availability. Please call your local Shipton's Big R for availability.
EID 80877
BrandHornady Ammunition
Hornady® Subsonic Ammunition — designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound — now comes in both rifle and handgun loads.
Subsonic Handgun utilizes tried-and-true XTP® bullets that expand reliably at subsonic velocities. The Sub-X bullet used in Subsonic Rifle features a lead core. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with the bullet’s flat profile and the patented Flex Tip® insert within its hollow point cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities.
Performance of 300 Blackout Subsonic meets or exceeds FBI Protocol terminal ballistic test requirements. The XTP® bullet in Subsonic Handgun has built a world-class reputation for accuracy and stopping power.
Hornady® Subsonic Ammunition doesn’t have the loud report of a supersonic round, and paired with a suppressor, it’s even quieter. Unique powders optimized for subsonic use result in a low flash signature, ideal for either suppressed or unsuppressed performance.
With high-quality cartridge cases and primers, Subsonic Ammunition offers the performance and accuracy shooters have come to expect from Hornady.